Come vengono percepiti i valori del counseling nelle diverse culture? Per scoprirlo gli autori di questo studio lo hanno chiesto a 16 professional counselor, scelti per rappresentare le otto aree geografiche dell’Iac. I dati raccolti sono stati esaminati attraverso l’Analisi Interpretativa Fenomenologica (Ipa).
Con il progressivo espandersi e consolidarsi della professione, la competenza culturale resta un focus importante per la pratica etica a livello mondiale. Tra le curiosità è emerso che alcune espressioni possono assumere significati inattesi. Per esempio, il principio di lavoro sul sé, ossia sull’identità personale o sull’autorealizzazione, così diffuso e pregnante in Occidente, può mettere in difficoltà un taiwanese, per il quale diventa più comprensibile se declinato come “sé in relazione con l’altro” oppure “sé nel contesto”.
People may assume that the counseling profession functions with a shared set of values that promote well-being and mental health to individuals, families, and communities across the globe. Common values, such as described in training programs, ethical codes, and other areas, reflect the approach and direction for providing professional counseling services among counseling professionals throughout the world.
The researchers designed this qualitative study using a phenomenological approach to explore how counseling values are experienced and implemented across various cultures. The 16 participants of the study include counseling professionals from different countries to increase representation from eight regions of the world. The researchers recognize valued approaches commonly identified among the participants implementing counseling services, including marital and family counseling, child and school counseling, faith integration, indigenous practices, and personcentered safe spaces. While each of these valued approaches is described in detail, final applications of the data offer proposed steps to improve the advancement of counseling on a global scale, including strategies for transcultural counseling training, resource adaptability, and bilateral development in the profession.
Autori: Nathan C. D. Perron, Vanessa H. Lim, Lisa Isenman, Kwabena G. Yamoah
Titolo dello studio: International Counseling Values: Recognizing Valued Approaches Identified by International Counseling Professionals Through Qualitative Inquiry
Articolo in open access