I chatbot sono programmati per simulare le conversazioni umane e rispondere alle domande usando la tecnologia dell’intelligenza artificiale. Ma fino a che punto possono sostituirsi alle persone?
Questo studio evidenzia come, soprattutto per gli adolescenti con problemi psicologici, introdurre l’uso dei chatbot potrebbe aumentare l’efficacia del counseling scolastico. Inoltre aggiungere l’opzione di “chattare” con gli insegnanti permetterebbe di migliorare la comunicazione, sia per gli studenti che per i docenti.
Adolescents’ psychological problems have become a global public health problem, and the age of teenage suicides in schools is gradually decreasing. However, many teens on campus are afraid to disclose their status to counselors and advisor. In the study, we interviewed Six university advisor and five students. Their thoughts and suggestions on functions such as “conversation response”, “menu guidance”, “push broadcast function”, “improved student usage rate”, “providing chatbot data to tutors as evidence for tutoring” of chatbots supporting tutoring. The study pointed out that the introduction of chatbots can help students express their emotions, and adding the option of chatting with teachers can increase students’ ability to explain their own situation to teachers through chatbots, and help teachers manage class management while providing more accurate counseling resources. Based on the research results, we also discuss the functions that help to provide counseling effectiveness, such as introducing chatbots, counseling and counseling chatbot response methods, personalized broadcasting, increasing student usage, precise counseling, and counseling warnings propose.
Autore: Chia Min Ho
Titolo dello studio: Facilitating Student Counseling Through the Chatbot
Fonte: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-35992-7_8